Muscle test – the body never lies

17. 11. 2024
Muscle test – the body never lies

In the world, a diagnostic method based on the assumption of kinesiology has been used for years, which is almost unknown to us, that a person’s mind can lie, but their body always reacts truthfully. This can be verified through the muscle test described here.

About twenty years ago, when alternative medicine was almost illegal here, a woman in Slovenia began conducting incredible examinations through which she could discover the causes of various diseases. As our mother was ill, my sister and I went to this healer to see if she could help her.

She told us it would have been better if we had brought the patient, but that this type of diagnosis could also be done with a close relative, children, or parents of the patient. Without many words and philosophizing, she explained to us that it was based on the principle “…that the body never lies”, and that such a diagnostic method has long been used in many European countries.

She asked my sister to extend her arm and then began asking her some simple questions, making it seem as though we were being tested with a lie detector. Each time after a question, she would lightly press my sister’s arm down. After some questions, her arm would drop, and sometimes it would remain extended.

Without Suggestion

In the end, she told us what illness our mother had, why she got it, and how we could help her. She did not tell us what miracle drugs to take, but it was a complete psychological profile of our mother and the causes of her illness, with instructions on how to remove them.

My sister is a doctor, and I brought along a friend who is also a doctor as an observer. As we were returning home, we talked about this incredible method of diagnosing diseases, and my sister confirmed that she did not lower her arm due to suggestion, but that her arm would drop after a question on its own, and another time it would remain upright despite the pressure.

For years after that, I tried to find literature on this technique in our country, but due to the war and other circumstances, such material was never published. Only in recent years has something changed, and I was delighted when I found a text about the muscle test in the recently published book on «PEAT» by Slavinski, a method of diagnosis I learned about a decade ago, which is almost unknown here.

From Kinesiology

The basic muscle test has been transferred from kinesiology to the so-called meridian therapies, which are very popular worldwide. But new testing methods are being discovered every day, sometimes confusing those unfamiliar with this field. However, the principle is very simple, with this test you can examine everything from health to emotions.

The test is based on the idea that there is a direct connection between our unconscious thoughts and emotions and our muscle reactions. Thus, using our muscle reactions, we can unmistakably uncover our deep and sometimes hidden beliefs, attitudes, and feelings because practical kinesiology believes that the body’s “language” never lies.

There are several forms of this test. The basic one looks like this. The person being examined, referred to here as the patient, stands with one arm extended horizontally to the side. The examiner stands opposite this person with a neutral expression on their face (neither smiling nor frowning) and should not look into their eyes.

“I am Oliver”

The examiner places one hand on the patient’s extended arm’s wrist and their other hand on the patient’s opposite shoulder to balance them. Then they ask the patient to say a certain statement or think of something. At the same time as the patient utters the statement, the examiner presses the patient’s arm down with a sudden, but not too strong, motion.

If the statement the patient uttered is true for them, their arm will remain extended after the examiner’s pressure. If the statement is false, the arm will give way after the examiner’s pressure, losing some of its muscle strength. For example, if someone says “My name is Ivan,” and that is indeed their name, the arm should remain firmly extended. If someone claims, “My name is Oliver Dragojević,” their arm will weakly resist the examiner’s pressure, lose some muscle strength, and lower slightly. This applies to most people.

Even better are tests using impersonal statements, such as “Two and two are four” or “Two and two are ten,” as well as “It is night now” or “It is day now.” When the patient’s arm remains firmly extended after the examiner’s pressure, it means the statement just made is completely true for them at that moment. When the patient’s arm lowers slightly after the examiner’s pressure, it means the statement is not true. However, it does not always mean it is completely false; it can be partially true but not entirely, which is checked by following questions.

Try It Yourself

If you want to try this test, first see how your arm reacts to pressure when you make some trivial but generally known statements. Remember that the person conducting the test with you should not look into your eyes. If it turns out that your arm correctly “responds” to some ordinary questions, then you can move on to more serious questions about emotions, problems, and illnesses.

It is not necessary for one person to test another. Anyone can do muscle testing themselves. This method of testing is a valuable tool in discovering beliefs and attitudes of which you are not aware. In the following method, the difference between YES and NO is much clearer and more complete. It involves lifting a heavy object with one hand while making a true statement and then lifting it again while making a false statement.

With your weaker outstretched arm (for most people, this is the left arm), try to lift a piece of furniture (a heavier table or chair) and say, “My name is…(say your name).” You will lift the object relatively easily. Then make a false statement: “My name is Petar Petrović,” and you will find it much more difficult to lift. Subjective

Continue experimenting by lifting objects while making various true and false statements. You will notice significant differences in the two cases because it is very easy to assess the response, i.e., whether an object is heavier or lighter. In this test, it is important that all statements are said out loud!

It is important to emphasize that the perception of truth here is subjective. When a person says a false name, they lose strength, that is, their capability is reduced by 30 to 70 percent. But when a person identifies with another person and performs the test as that other person, they lift the weight with the same ease. This indicates the value of so-called surrogate processing, where someone will succeed in doing the process for someone else because at that moment, they are that other person and will do it with their full capacity!

This is a simple way of testing that you can do yourself and that will not tire you. Make a circle with your index finger and thumb as if showing the “OK” sign. If you are right-handed, make the circle with the fingers of your left hand and vice versa. Then hook this circle with the index finger of the other hand and alternately say true and false statements while trying to break the joined fingers of the other hand by pulling the index finger.

When you say true statements, it will take much more strength to separate the two joined fingers than when you say false statements. It takes practice with this test until you determine the pressure needed to maintain contact between the thumb and index finger. Once you establish this, this test will be a reliable indicator of your subconscious.


This test does not work for everyone, so some people will not be able to detect the difference between a true and false statement this way. These people should try another simple test by rubbing the thumb and index finger together while saying some statements out loud. When saying a true statement, for most people, the fingers will glide smoothly against each other. When saying a false statement, the fingers will stick together, and the friction will be much stronger.

For many people, this is a successful form of muscle testing. Place your hand on a flat surface, such as a table. Then make an obviously true statement and lift your index finger off the table surface as high as possible. Then lower it, and make an obviously false statement. Lift your index finger off the surface as high as possible again. If this form of testing works for you, your index finger will lift significantly less on a negative statement than on a positive one.

These are just a few examples of muscle testing that can help you find the answers hidden within you more easily. As with all similar alternative techniques and diagnostic methods, you should approach the test with goodwill and without any preconceived notions, as only then will the true answers come from your subconscious.

Opposing Statements

Sometimes the arm can lower during a muscle test for two opposing statements, for example, if someone says “I want to solve this problem” and “I don’t want to solve this problem.” This can mean two things:

  • The person’s energy field cannot hold energy within itself, so it constantly “leaks” out, like water from a punctured vessel.
  • The person unconsciously refuses to recognize something related to the question being asked.

To find out what is going on, the subject should say, for example, “I don’t want to know the answer to this question.”

If the answer is positive, that is, if the subject’s arm does not lower during that statement, this person cannot progress further in that area until the aversion to that problem is removed. When that happens, repeat the test, and you will likely get different reactions to the opposing statements.


These tests give specific and predictable results if the person is normally polarized. However, if their polarization has shifted so that they are adversarially motivated, this will be evident from the response of their arm during the test, which will not be usual or expected.

If the person is well polarized, these are the cases when the arm in the muscle test will first remain extended and then lower after the same question:

  • Let the person ask the same question or make the same statement twice, with the examiner performing the muscle test, smiling the first time, and frowning the second time.
  • Then perform the test with the person holding their other hand a few centimeters above their head with the palm facing down (towards the head), and on repeated questioning, let them turn the palm up (away from the head) and the back of the hand down.

Crossed Legs, Women…

If you want to perform a proper muscle test, you need to know what can affect the subject. Here are some examples:

  • Test a person sitting with crossed legs. Their arm will remain extended if that is their usual way of crossing their legs. Then let them cross their legs in the opposite way – the one that was below should come above – and the muscles will weaken, and the arm will lower.
  • Let a woman approach a man you are testing at a short distance (40 – 50 centimeters) and just look at him. His arm will be strong and will not lower. Then let the woman turn her back to him and stay at the same distance, and his arm will lower during the test.
  • Test a person’s arm in the usual way, then have them put the finger of the other hand in white, refined sugar or table salt during the test. The arm will weaken and lower under pressure. Also, most subjects will have a weaker arm if they put a piece of chocolate in their mouth.


The effect of intersecting energy pathways in the aura can be shown by the following experiment. Let the subject extend their arm in the usual way for testing. With an open hand, as if you are about to deliver a karate chop, make several quick movements around the middle of their arm without touching it. Then test their arm, and it will immediately “fall,” as if you have cut their nerves or muscles.

Muscle Test That Doesn’t Tire

Sometimes it is necessary to perform a larger number of muscle tests. Such testing is tiring. To avoid this, you can use the following method of muscle testing, where the person does not have to keep their arm at a right angle to the body for an extended period. Here’s how it’s done:

  • Let the person stand upright, holding their arms in front of them with palms facing down, 10 to 15 centimeters apart, and about 30 centimeters away from the body.
  • When the subject makes a statement, press on their wrists. If the statement is true, the arms will stay firm,and if it is not, the wrists will give way and the hands will lower. Even in this test, you should not press the subject’s hands with full force. The pressure should be steady but gentle.


Franjo Lenac

Every therapy or procedure described in the Selected Articles is undertaken at your own risk.