Prostate problems – pumpkin remedy

23. 10. 2012
Prostate problems – pumpkin remedy

If you are struggling with an enlarged prostate, a common issue affecting about half of men over fifty, a diet including pumpkin seeds could help. According to Dr. James Duke of the USDA, a handful of pumpkin seeds daily is a popular folk remedy for this health problem in many parts of the world, especially in Bulgaria, Turkey, and Ukraine. There is scientific reasoning behind this. Pumpkin seeds are rich in amino acids such as alanine, glycine, and glutamic acid. In a study involving forty-five men and a control group, these amino acids in pure form helped alleviate the main symptoms associated with prostate enlargement. For example, nighttime urination stopped or reduced by 95%, urgency decreased by 81%, and the frequency of needing to urinate decreased by 73%.

Surprisingly, half a cup of pumpkin seeds contains five times the amount of amino acids found to be needed daily by the study, says Dr. Duke. He believes that pumpkin seeds can be as effective as pure amino acids or some medications specifically designed to treat such ailments.

Other foods that have the potential to act against prostate swelling, according to Dr. Duke, include cucumber seeds, watermelon seeds, sesame seeds, carob, soy, flaxseed, almonds, walnuts, Brazil nuts, and peanuts. Dr. Duke suggests that these foods, together with pumpkin seeds, can be ground and turned into a spread similar to peanut butter, which Dr. Duke calls “proseed butter.” 30 grams daily, or about two tablespoons of seeds, will provide sufficient amounts of amino acids and other beneficial components for therapy.

The text is taken from Jean Carper’s book, Food: Your Miracle Medicine

In addition to the above, for those who suffer from prostate issues, I also recommend bioenergy treatments, which can ease and completely eliminate symptoms and the disorder itself.

Franjo Lenac

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